Easybits software que es

Easybits magic desktop operating system a safe, fun for children. Easybits is a norwegian company that specializes in developing educational software. Le logiciel vous est mis a votre disposition gratuitement. Childfriendly design works perfectly with tiny hands, while our complete collection of programs keep young minds excited and engaged.

Software update notification and easybits magic desktop. Easybits magic desktop is an operating system for children, helps to create a safe environment for the children when they use a computer with a lot of useful functions to encourage children to learn. Esse programa tem como desenvolvedor easybits software corp. Sep 21, 2010 my laptop came with easybits shared services for windows it says provides various services to magic desktop and other easybits applications. You can also check most distributed file variants with name ezsharedsvchost. I cant find either easybits or magic desktop in the addremove programs or the registry. Magic desktop is a program developed by easybits media. Currently, easybits software falls under three categories parenting, education and entertainment. The icon displays as software update notification and appears to instigate updates for easybits magic desktop. The company began development on their line of educational software in 2003 and currently sells magic desktop as its flagship product. Magic desktop creates a safe and stimulating environment where kids can improve their computer literacy at their own pace. Estos archivos tienen frecuentemente descripcion shared easybits services for windows. Upon installation and setup, it defines an autostart registry entry which makes this program run on each windows boot for all user logins.

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